With so many changes happening in the environment, you never really know what can happen. This is especially true if you live in an area that’s not accustomed to certain types of weather.
In 2015, it snowed in Huntington Beach, CA. Known to locals as Surf City, this beach town is accustomed to summer, summer and less summer throughout the year. While a little snow is nothing to fuss over, alternative weather patterns are something to be concerned about. Especially if the community isn’t built to deal with them.
New England is primarily known for snow storms. Since winter is a big part of the local culture, all six states are fully prepared to deal with the snow including plowing, snow tires and shoveling. But microbursts? Not so much. Tornados have been recently appearing in New Hampshire and Maine taking residents by surprise and resulting in damage to homes.
While tornados are foreign to New Englanders, Oklahoma experiences the most twisters in Tornado Alley and well, of all the United States for that matter. Residents understand that when a tornado warning is issued, it’s time to take shelter immediately, preferably underground. However, Oklahoma has been experiencing a series of earthquakes recently. While this may be due to underground drilling, a 4.2 earthquake is quite substantial that will turn your head…once it stops moving of course.
Unusual weather patterns are something to keep an eye on in your area. While disastrous events aren’t in anyone’s control, here are some measures you can take to prepare for Mother Nature’s wrath:
Get Involved in Your Community
Most communities follow safety laws and regulations for large planned events such as a concert, fair or any gathering that involves big groups of people. This is also true for unplanned events, such as a disaster. Disastrous events have a way of making us realize the things we take for granted. Technology has become such an integral part of our lives that we almost forget what life was like without it. Can you remember the last time you used a public phone? If the cell phone towers went down, where would you even find one? What vulnerabilities is your community subject to? It’s important to understand how to get critical information, community alerts and evacuation routes. For more information on how to get information or involved, check your local Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).
Make a Plan
Another reality with catastrophic events is that first responders are always inundated. As a result, they may not be able to get to your area quickly. Understanding how to respond to your own immediate needs and those around you such as neighbors, friends or colleagues is crucial. Having a disaster plan in place with everyone understanding their role helps to mitigate hazards. At home, it’s also a good idea to have an out-of-state check-in contact and a meeting place. Running drills with the family is also a good idea to keep everyone on the same page.
A Ready-to-Go-Now Package
One of the frustrating things about emergencies is that you never know where you’ll be when they’ll strike. While it’s a good idea to have a survival kit available, having three is ideal. This includes having one at home, work and in your car. Make sure everyone in your family has their own and knows where to find them. So, what goes into this ready-to-go-now package? Here are some suggestions:
- Food (non-perishable items)
- Water
- First aid supplies
- Radio
- Flashlight
- Batteries
- Matches
- Duct tape
- Swiss Army Knife (or multi-use tools)
- Blanket
- Map
- Medications
- Sanitation and personal items
- Emergency contact info
- Lastly, if you have small children or pets, consider what their needs may be as well.
Safety is something we take seriously at EPE. From our employees to our properties. Like most companies, we utilize safety plans in the event of a fire, earthquake, tornados or hurricanes. We also run drills regularly to ensure everyone is on the same page and ensure all employees are trained in the event of a disaster.
We hope you do the same.
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