    by: EPE USA

    With a little help from the U.S. Postal Service, neither rain, nor snow, will keep Santa Claus from delivering dreams this holiday season.

    USPS Operation Santa ® is a wonderful program that started in 1912, and since then they have never missed a year.  This operation is about catching the true spirit of the holidays, helping fulfill wishes of children and their families, and putting a smile on the faces children on Christmas morning.  It’s a simple program that goes a long way – giving hope to these families in need.  You can read real letters to Santa written by needy kids, choose the letters that move you, and send your gifts directly to each child and their families.

    Operation Santa Kickoff

    This will be EPE USA’s first year participating in this operation and we couldn’t be more excited.  We have made it our mission to help underprivileged children smile on Christmas morning, and to inspire people with the real spirit of Christmas.  Some of the letters that we picked up this year, include wish lists from families that are in need of groceries, socks, shoes, and some toys for their children.  Be warned that the below are real tear jerkers, so be prepared to shed a couple tears.

    “I am writing to you because we can use a little Christmas help.  I know my parents can’t afford gifts.  We can use some food, warm jackets, warm clothes, and maybe a toy”

    “My husband doesn’t have much work, so we need something for the kids…clothes, shoes, sweaters…I want to give them the best, but I can’t.  Please help me this Christmas.”

    “As long as there is something special for them this Christmas morning, I will feel blessed and they will continue to BELIEVE and have hope in this world”

    If you want to share in this holiday spirit, you can get friends and family to join you by hosting a small Christmas gathering and share in the joy of giving.   Ask each friend to bring a gift, and then wrap them all at the party.  

    If there is not a participating USPS in your area, there are many more charitable donation drives throughout the nation such as Toys for Tots.  Toys for Tots has been around since 1947 and was named “Outstanding Non-Profit Organization of the Year” by the DMA Non-Profit Federation in 2003. There are several ways to contribute to your local Toys for Tots campaign.  You can drop a toy off at one of the many toy drop locations in your area, host a Toys for Tots event at your home or office to collect toys, or volunteer at the local warehouse.  Click here for ways to donate in your specific area. 

    Toys ‘R Us partners with the Marines Toys of Totes Foundation, which is the US Marine Corps Reserve Premier community program, to bring joy to the less fortunate.   They have raised $48 Million and have collected 4 million toys since 2004.

    Just remember that around this time of year every bit helps.  If you’re unable to help by donating, you could still make a difference by spreading awareness in your community!

    Consider the following resources to find chartable drives near you:

    ·         Charity Navigator


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